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Knee Pain and SMR Treatment Protocol


Key Points:

1. Inhibited or overactive muscles are the most likely cause of knee pain and degeneration.

2. Most forms of therapy focus on strengthening muscles, SMR focuses on ensuring muscles are functioning at a neurological level.

3. When all muscles fire at the correct time in the correct sequence, inflammation will decrease and pain will resolve.

The knee is a hinge joint and, therefore, a stable joint. On the other hand, the hip and ankle joints are highly mobile joints. Therapists will often say knee pain comes from decreased range of motion in the hip or ankle joint. This is often true, but it should also be noted that there are many types of knee pains and many potential mechanisms that create pain, and it often requires in-depth testing to figure out the true cause.

When a client presents with knee pain, I assess all muscles that cross the core (abdomen), hip, knee, and ankle for neurological dysfunction (movement compensation patterns). I further assess the ligaments and joint capsules of the pelvis, hip, knee, and ankle for proprioceptive dysfunction (incorrect data telling your brain where you are in space).

I focus on getting all the previously mentioned muscles, joint capsules, and ligaments functioning neurologically (I will often describe this as software issues). Knee pain should resolve when faulty movement patterns and incorrect sensory information are corrected. Exceptions to this would be very significant joint degeneration or surgery that has created hardware issues.

Joint degeneration occurs because of poor mechanics due to inhibited or overactive muscles (software issues). SensoriMotor Repatterning (SMR) focuses on correcting these human software issues because they are almost always the root cause of pain and injury. Ideally, I repair the software issues before they cause significant joint degeneration. We can significantly decrease or negate pain even in severe degeneration by correcting faulty movement patterns.

My father is a great example. His knees are bone on bone (no cartilage), and any bending at the knees makes him sound like an old boat moored on a rough sea. But after fixing the proprioceptive dysfunction and associated movement patterns, he has been pain-free for years.

Knee surgery does not have the same success rate as hip surgery. I have treated many people who have had the misfortune of successive knee surgeries with increasing symptoms until the surgeons finally conclude that surgery is inappropriate. Thus, I suggest that everyone considering surgery first try non-invasive therapies such as SMR. And as always, if surgery is suggested, ask what the success rate is, the common side effects, and how experienced the surgeon is with this particular surgical procedure.

Initial bookings with myself are 80 minutes long, with follow-ups being 50 minutes long. Most chronic symptoms can be resolved in 3 sessions. In August 2022 I relocated my business from Ottawa to North Vancouver. If you want to check out what my Ottawa clients have to say about SMR, click here... SMR Testimonials Bookings can be made here... book online



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